
Mom, I thought you might like this website I saw a while ago. It's called Cake Fun. There is some rolled fondant, but there's still some neat other stuff. Enjoy.


  1. fern, thanks for the feedback.i had no idea you went to my website. it was a suprise that you commented first.

  2. Fern!!! I was soo upset when I read you would not be doing the blog thing anymore! It's the only way I see pictures and lets face it we don't talk on the phone as much as we should. I like blogs because even when schedules don't match, you can keep in touch. But I have to admit I love the family blog idea. I'm excited to hear first hand what tyler is up to, and can't wait till Mack can type.

  3. More pictures of Mack please! Oh, that must be a pretty nice camera you take those nice pictures with...
