
On of the best things about having a visitor (I say 'a' because we'll probably only get one the entire time we live here), is that it gives you the chance to finally take pictures of everyday moments. These types of photos typically become my favorite when I look back because they have so many more memories attached to them. Since all of you reading this (excluding my mom, dad and sister Karly) will probably never get the chance to come to Monterrey, I'm putting up these photos so you can get an idea of what our life looks like here...

This is the view of mountains near the Monterrey Temple, on the road to Santiago, where the market is. You follow?

Mack and my mom at the top of Obispado Hill.

Rain on our way to Zona Rosa. It's like this every time it rains, and it usually rains a couple times a week.

Here I am, nursing mack at Las Monjitas. It's this little restaurant in Zona Rosa where the servers and the cooks dress as nuns, and the menu has a papal theme. The food is both very delicious and very cheap.

Tyler on his way to the corner store.

Tyler inside the corner store, our preferred tortilla purchasing location.

Downtown Monterrey.
Don't fret, there's still more to come, but right now--I've got to run myself!


  1. Hey guys

    Keep the pictures coming. I love to see them. Mack is adorable. We miss you.


  2. SO I love seeing your pictures. I subbed last week for a class at the MTC and almost all of the elders were going to Monterrey and I told them about "my best friend and her husband that are living there!" Is your mom still down there?
