
Summer Lovin'

Mack rolled over today for the first time. He went tummy to back. He spent the rest of the day sleepy and fussy. I guess rolling over is hard work. Cutie!
Lately Tyler and I have been busy preparing for our upcoming move to Monterrey, Mexico. There is alot to do, and we still haven't found a place to live yet. I am confident that everything will turn out alright in the end.
Fourth of July was good old fashioned laid back fun. Here's a photo for proof. Wishing many happy summer nights to all!


  1. Fern that picture is soo cute!
    I can't believe he's rolling over. Growing up so fast and I haven't gotten to see him yet!
    p.s. I saw superman last night!

  2. Hey you! I think I look at your blog like three times a day. . . it doesn't change but it makes me feel like I'm up on your life. Plus, I like knowing that Mack is now two months one week and one day old. . .etc! My family said that Mack is so big for two months but it's unanimous that he is so dang CUTE!! love, ang

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