
Now Here's a Shocker

This is our Ward Building. Shocking. Shocking.
No one was hurt so it's really not a HUGE deal, but it is very inconvenient, surprising and a little teensy tiny ittie bittie bit scary. We went to a different building yesterday (they were having stake conference, so the building was empty), and will find out what the more "permanent" solution will be later this week --permanent meaning until they rebuild. On the plus side, I know Tyler is looking forward to the new building hopefully having a full size gym.

You will not find our family anywhere near any of the news crews. I'm much too embarrassed to ever be on TV again after those I made silly comments I made about The Bachelor were aired two years ago. :)


  1. That's AWFUL! So good it was Stake Conference!

    And, I want to see what the silly comments about the Bachelor were... ;)

  2. I don't have a link or anything about the Bachelor. Basically, I looked really gross and sweaty (I'd been working out) and came across as WAY too passionate about a reality TV show that has absolutely NOTHING to do with me. :)
