

Today, Hank's speech therapist came for her first real visit. She's been here twice before, but they weren't teaching sessions. The first visit was to evaluate his abilities, and see if he is eligible for early intervention. Hank's communication skills are currently at about a 13-15 month level (he's currently 22 months old). The therapist's 2nd visit was to make a "game plan" with me and Tyler. We talked about different times of day and activities that frustrate Henry and made clear goals for what we'd like him to be doing in about 6 months.
I've found the whole therapy process to be pretty stressful. Finding time to meet with the therapist is hard, and when I admit that it's not easy, I feel like a 'bad mom' who isn't putting her kids needs first. Plus, I love/ hate the visits. I'm glad that we're getting Henry the help he needs. I'm glad when there is a game plan and I can see Henry making progress. I love seeing Henry learn new things and he seems to enjoy the therapy. I hate being reminded of what he's not doing yet, and going over and over what he can't do. Also, the boys seem to know when the therapist is coming and make the BIGGEST MESSES! This morning Mack decided to "pretend to make oatmeal" while I was still sleeping. Translation: He filled both sides of the sink with oatmeal and water. Last time the therapist came, Hank threw a big cup of milk on the floor as she knocked on the door. Milk on the table, milk on the floor, milk on the chairs, milk on the lamp, milk on the wall. Not exactly calming, or the image I'd like to project to a stranger coming into my house to "evaluate" us.
 One of the things I really like about his speech therapy is that it is realistic. I hate it can't stand it when people tell me, "That's how boys are" or "This kid I know didn't talk at all until he was 2" or "I think he talks great" or "He just said....." or "I understand him great" or "Kids don't need therapy til they're in school".  I know people mean well, but I I think they're wrong. I'm his MOM. I know what he can or cannot do, and I know what he needs. He needs this therapy. The goals we set with this therapist are for SIX months from now. That's May, and it feels like forever, but it's much more realistic than saying he's just going to wake up tomorrow and start jabbering.
Anyway, back to today's visit... It went well. Henry made some new sounds, and I learned some more ways to encourage him to keep trying other new consonant sounds. He was happy the whole time and seemed to really like the therapist. He signed "me" and appeared engaged. Hank doesn't really make many consonant sounds and therefore has a really limited vocabulary.  I learned a few ways to put some added emphasis on the where in my mouth particular sounds are coming from. I also realized I need to make specific time to work on different sounds with Henry and not just squeeze it into our regular playtime. Play-dough seems to work well for this because it keeps him sitting in one place and happy.
I'm sorta looking forward to next week's session.


Remlinger Farm

We went. We ate lunch. We had fun.
I'm not sure what else to say, it was great. The boys had a blast.  Mack and Hank are at a great age to take places. Mack doesn't mind waiting in line and is so grateful for everything. If you want to do something nice and then be told what a great person you are for doing it, he's your man. I bought him some socks for Church a couple days ago and he couldn't thank me enough. Hank is great because he'll do just about anything with big goofy smile on his face, all while wearing a train conductors hat. He still wears diapers but doesn't need them changed constantly. He'll eat almost anything, so I don't need to bring special stuff for him while we're out, and he loves following around his big brother.  I know soon we'll have another little person with us, who won't be of such an easy going nature. I'm going to have to find benches to sit and nurse on and change a diaper every 2 hours like clockwork. I'm going to get puked on and the boys are going to feel a  little neglected sometimes. Of course there will be lots of good things too, like all the extra snuggles AND I'm of the persuasion that babies are just great overall no matter what. But just two boys right now is pretty great too.
On our Way

Riding the Horses

On the Train

Baby for Now...

A Roll in the Hay



What would you do with one day in New York City?


Hair Cut

A little while ago (I'm really bad with dates lately), Mack got another hair cut. I only cut his hair about every 6 months so it's really big deal around here (Oh, I remember now, we did it the 2nd or 3rd weekend of September!). The plan was to give both boys hair cuts, Mack first and then Hank. Henry's 1st haircut was when he was pretty young--I buzzed his head really short--and it didn't go really well. The plan was that Hank would see how well Mack did and then be okay with it. Well, the batteries on our camera died before we could start Henry's hair, so he's still waiting for his trim. But here are some before and after pictures of Mack...


Mack and Hank are supposed to be taking a nap right now. Instead, they are giggling and playing a game they made up. The game basically goes like this:
  1. Mack sits up in bed and covers his head with a blanket. 
  2. Hank stands up in his crib and covers his head with a blanket. 
  3. They both giggle like a couple of girls and then Hank plops himself down on his bottom.
  4. I tell them to quit playing and go to sleep.
  5. Repeat.
I haven't figured out how they determine the winner yet, but I'm guessing it's not me.
They're two very cute guys, but seriously now, go to sleep! I'm stuck upstairs at the computer until they do, and I'd really like to be doing other things right now.


Camping Trip

Allow me to stick to my theme of living in the past, and post some pictures of the boys from when we went on a little camping trip this summer. These pictures are all from when we were setting up camp before our friends arrived. I think they said they were working, but maybe they just wanted to wait until our two crazy boys were already asleep the 1st night? (j/k I know they were all working....right?) The boys were crazy. I'd look over and Hank would be literally rolling around in the dirt, just in case he missed a spot. Our campsite a little hill in the back of it. Mack said "This mountain is great for big boys to climb on." Hank like to walk up it and then run down it and fall flat on his face (and then roll around some more). The place was called Camano State Park, I think and we'd definitely go back, especially to nearby Cama State Park, which was gorgeous. The best part about this camping spot is how close it is to our house, just about an hour away, so easy to get to, but too far to run home if we forget anything.



In real time, our trip to Legoland was WAY BACK in June. But in Mack's mind it was only yesterday. We were lucky enough to visit Encinitas one last time before Granny and Grandpa Kim moved. In three weeks, we managed to re-do all of our favorite activities.Legoland was top of the list, but since Tyler would only be there for a week, we had to go without him. However, Mack and Hank did get Granny all to themselves for the day. Since Mack is insanely tall for his age, there wasn't much he couldn't ride, even though some had a minimum age off 4, we let him ride anyway. He says his favorite rides at Legoland were the Duplo Train and the "Oh no! Not again!" guy ride. It's the one where you ride around on a giant Duplo horse. Hank can't really say what his favorite was, but if I had to guess it'd be the splash zone. He had tons of fun and looked GOOD doing it! My favorite was obviously the ribs.

I thought a picture of the boys looking out the windows of the Duplo house would be adorable. Hank wasn't convinced.


Company Picnic

On Saturday we attended the annual company picnic. I can't go into too much detail, but I'll try to give you the highlights.
  • Lots of big friendly dogs. While Hank likes dogs, they make Mack nervous. "Friendly" in dog language means they eat your food off your plate.
  • One of the dogs was name Tyler. Great.
  • Hank threw a croquet ball straight at the boss's boss's kid. At least he won't forget we were there.



Here we go again...

This is our new blog. You like? I've been thinking lately that we needed a new blog without our last name plastered all over it. Adjust your links accordingly :). Since I've been a massive slacker lately in updating, I thought turning over a new leaf and starting a new blog at the same time seemed like a good idea (no pun intended). We'll see how well I do.



I guess my boys could like stranger things...
(I think Baysil is going to love this too).


Sick Day

Our little Hank is sick today. He's got a stuffy nose, a small fever, and I'm guessing a bad sore throat from the way his cough sounds. He woke up, drank some apple juice and was back to sleep. I hate it when my boys are sick. However, at the same time, I love the excuse to stay home all day! I'm going to bake bread and clean out my fridge. I'm NOT looking forward to cleaning the fridge. I DO enjoy grinding wheat and baking bread.


Happy Valentine's Day

From us to you, Happy St. Valentine's Day! We're certainly feeling the love here. Yesterday Tyler brought home 15 white and red tulips from Pike's, along with a SUBSTANTIAL gift card to these restaurants. He 'won' the gift card at work, but really he earned it. This morning I made all the men in my life heart shaped pancakes. Hank loved it. Mack requested, "No. No pictures please." Sorry, I didn't take a picture of Tyler. He was looking TOO good and I just didn't want to share him (plus he was sportin' bed head and PJ's?).

We've got a lovely day ahead of us: Meeting up with Nathan and Amy at the Pacific Science Center to watch an IMAX. Dinner will be heart shaped meatloaf at home and then Tyler and I are going to the Orchestra. Followed by some kind of fancy restaurant dessert. Love is in the air!
(I would like to defend this cheesy post by pointing out that it is Valentine's Day, and therefore mushy, cliche posting is perfectly acceptable.)


Who's In?

I just saw this project over at Apartment Therapy. I really want to try it. Anyone else want to give it a shot with me sometime in the near future? I have NO idea where I'd put the darn thing...


For the last two nights in a row, it has snowed at our house. It is snowing a little bit right now, and I LOVE it! We woke up Mack last night to play in it, and he was an absolute pill to put back to sleep. Maybe we'll try again in a few years so he's hopefully old enough to remember "that one time when my awesome parents woke me up to play in the snow".


Henry's ONE!

Henry on his birthday morning, stealing his brother's toys.
I know we've got our share of updating to cover, but I thought I'd start with the most important. Henry celebrated his 1st birthday back in December. What you didn't get an invitation? Don't worry. We've decided to throw Henry a party on his half birthday. Two days after Christmas is too crazy (plus we were out of town). I figure we'll keep celebrating his half birthday until he's old enough to decide for himself. Besides, what kid wouldn't want two birthdays?
Since we were at my parents house, we celebrated Henry's 1st birthday the same way as Mack's, by going to LEGOLAND! We all had a blast, especially the birthday boy and his brother.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Mack and Hank on their first ride of the day 2. Mack and Aunt Karly 3. The birthday boy and his proud Mommy 4. Mack helping Henry on their favorite part, the Duplo toys 5. Tyler crammed in the duplo train with the boys 6. Henry's working on that hands and knees crawling thing 7. Tyler tries to fit on the airplane, there is no 'max height' 8. Mack as a pilot, living the dream 9. Mack almost loved waiting in line, as much as the rides themselves 10. The birthday boy again 11. Mack loved miniland and wanted to see EVERYTHING!

After a long day of fun, we came home to cake and presents. Henry has a slightly unorthodox crawl, so I made him a snail cake and Granny did us the honor of writing on it. After opening all of his gifts I gave Hank the entire head of the snail, for him to "go at it" and make a mess of himself. He had other ideas, and decided to EAT the entire thing.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Henry decided to see what would happen if he threw his cup 2. I don't know what to say about this... 3. Hank with his snail cake 4. Notice how there is NO cake left on his tray