
There are no words

Alright I can barely hold it in any more!! You got me! I'm PREGNANT!
That's right you heard me, I'm pregnant.
Whew! does that feel good. I've been avoiding my blog like the plague. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist such a broad forum for releasing the news. So now feel free to let the congratulations just pour in. Go ahead you know you want to.
The baby's due date is April 28, 2006. I've got NO idea as to the baby's sex as of yet and no idea when I will know. There is this nifty little blood test they can do now with the mother's blood really early to find out, but it costs a hefty sum- about $300. So, if people feel like donating to a worthy cause.... j/k. Tyler and I couldn't be happier about our impending arrival! I'm so EXCITED! Thankfully I haven't had any morning sickness yet but my body just generally feels like crap and I'm tired all the time. Yesterday I took a three hour nap and still didn't have too much trouble getting to bed that night!
In other news, Kloe turned eight on Wednesday. Her baptism is tomorrow and she asked me to give a talk at it. I'm a little nervous, but considering that I spoke in Sacrament last week, (my first REAL adult/introduction-to-the-ward-talk) I'm feeling relatively confident.
Apparently Tyler has become a little local celebrity. Check out this link= http://www.sandiego.edu/business/index.php?areaid=11&newsid=121
We're all very proud....


  1. Fern I am so happy for you! I can't wait for you to have your baby. I am going to call you tomorrow night and do pregnant talk. Sorry I haven't called we have been so busy! Congragulations!!!

  2. well, before you know it you'll have grandchildren. congrats!
    that link about Tyler being on TV was pretty cool - talk about speaking up in class.

  3. yo fern, well I guess it's back to the blog communication. Good job ty with the news :) Call me
