
Almost Like Daddy

Mack's new trick is to go potty standing up.....just like daddy. To do this, he stands on his tip toes and leans over. Usually 80% of the potty makes it into the bowl. Not bad huh? Well yesterday, I came downstairs only to find Mack in the kitchen completely naked going potty in the red bucket that had been used to mop the floor only 15 minutes earlier. He exclaimed "I go potty, just like daddy!" I tried to think if I had accidentally gone potty in a bucket recently...thinking....thinking.....thinking......nope. We're still working on potty etiquette.


  1. haha, that is awesome!! I am sure that deep down you were laughing:)

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of boys. Just wait until he does it at the cemetery while you are rededicating a headstone, and the entire family is watching (75+). Oh wait that was Peyton just last summer. I LOVE BOYS!!!!

  3. as long as you didn't keep moping the floor after that I see no problems. hahaha I've seen Marnie's little Peyton in action myself, at their families going away party. He just stepped aside to a tree in front of everyone!

  4. hmm, Fern you better keep an eye on Tyler and what he is teaching Mack! That's awesome, we can't get Blake to stand up he would rather be just like mommy, should we be worried?=)

  5. Does it take you back to Germany days and Kody? It's only just begun! I would say boys keep life real, but I think I have as many girls stories as boy. Kids are great, too bad they have to grow up!

  6. bahahaha :} yes!! what a little devil :]

  7. Ah Thompson - peeing in buckets again. Remnds me of the old mish. Hope all is going well. I am suffering deeply from BYU's BCS hopes being all but dashed against TCU. At least I'm not a Seahawks fan. JK Imbaburapac Burton

  8. Hey! How are guys doing??? I havent heard from you (or your blog) in a while:) How are those two little guys doing? What is the weather like up there? Its pretty snowy and icy here...Are you going home to Cali for Christmas? Jason and I are going up to Cle Elum to a cabin with his Family for Christmas (3 days)..then we fly to Rocklin for new years...anyway, if I dont hear from you before the holidays...hope you guys have a good one!! Stay warm, be safe!!

    Best Wishes:)

