
I swear I can talk about other things too......

On Tuesday I had my second doctor's appointment. I'm really glad that Tyler has been able to go to both my appointments so far. We got to year the baby's HEARTBEAT!!!! It was kind of a woosh woosh sound, like the baby's is jogging around in there. It was so exciting. The doctor I've been going to is really nice and she said everything sounded fine and right on track. My due date is no longer in April but is now May 1st, one day before my Mom's birthday--she has absolutely no problem with that! Tuesday was also my official 12 week mark, which means I should be starting to get over all the icky parts of early pregnancy. I haven't really noticed a change, I'm still tired all the time and very restless at night. Luckily, I haven't been experiencing much morning sickness. When I do throw-up it is always really sudden (no more raisins for me!). My only real consistent craving has been for cream cheese, although earlier today I had a NEED for Stove Top Stuffing. Tyler has been really great about everything, he has absolutely no problem running out to the store, doing the laundry or anything else he can to help at a moments notice.
Today has been pretty basic so far. I took care of Alana next door for most of it, ate some stuffing (thanks Ty!). School is going well: took a bio test on Wednesday and got an Art and a PoliSci test back (A+ thank myself very much!). Life is good.